Build Errors - ambiguous reference??


Stephen Cairns

I have the following rpx file in a .Net solution and I am
getting the following build errors which are driving me
crazy and ive no idea where I have went wrong. The build
errors I'm getting are as follows: -
'CheckBox' is an ambiguous reference
'CheckBox' is an ambiguous reference
'Label' is an ambiguous reference
Could someone please tell me where I have gone wrong.
Here is the rpx.cs file if this helps.
I would really appreciate any help I could be given. Sorry
I am very knew to coding and this could be a simple
problem but I can't work out what has gone wrong.

***************Code Behind Below**************
using System;
using DataDynamics.ActiveReports;
using DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Document;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

namespace Causeway_Reports
public class Test : ActiveReport
public Test()

private void PageHeader_Format(object sender,
System.EventArgs eArgs)

private static SqlDataReader dr;

private void Test_ReportStart(object sender,
System.EventArgs eArgs)
int txtIPCURN = 45100;
//Create a Connection
SqlConnection conSQL = new SqlConnection
//Create a Command
SqlCommand cmdPPS11 = new SqlCommand
("select Incident.Type, IPC.DefendantType,
Recommendation.Notes, Offence.StartDate, Offence.EndDate,
Offence.ReportedDateTime, IPC.PrimaryOffenceCode,
Incident.Location, IPC.PettySessionsDistrict,
IPC.InitialRemandApplicationFlag, IPC.PPSNIID,
IPC.PrimaryOffenceCode, IPC.CriminalBenefitGT10KFlag,
IPC.LinkedNotes, IPC.ComplaintType, IPC.OPONIRefNumber,
IPC.StatementOfFacts, IPC.URN, Ref_IPCFileType.
[description], Ref_IPCDefendantType.Description AS
[DEFDesc], Ref_RecommendationOverallType.Description as
[RECdesc] FROM IPC LEFT OUTER join Incident on IPC.URN =
Incident.IPCURN LEFT OUTER join IncidentOffence on
Incident.URN = IncidentOffence.IncidentURN LEFT OUTER join
Offence on Offence.URN = IncidentOffence.OffenceURN LEFT
OUTER join IPCRecommendation on IPC.URN =
IPCRecommendation.IPCURN LEFT OUTER join Recommendation on
IPCRecommendation.RecommendationID = Recommendation.ID
LEFT OUTER join Ref_IPCFileType on Ref_IPCFileType.code =
IPC.FileType LEFT OUTER join Ref_IPCDefendantType on
Ref_IPCDefendantType.code= IPC.DefendantType LEFT OUTER
join Ref_RecommendationOverallType on
Ref_RecommendationOverallType.code =
IPC.PSNIOverallRecommendation WHERE IPC.URN =" +
txtIPCURN, conSQL);

//if (conSQL.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
//Create a datareader
//SqlDataReader dr;
dr = cmdPPS11.ExecuteReader();

private void Test_DataInitialize(object sender,
System.EventArgs eArgs)

private void Test_FetchData(object sender,
Fields["Type"].Value = dr["Type"].ToString();
Fields["DefendantType"].Value = dr
Fields["Notes"].Value = dr["Notes"].ToString();
Fields["StartDate"].Value = dr["StartDate"].ToString();
Fields["EndDate"].Value = dr["EndDate"].ToString();
Fields["ReportedDateTime"].Value = dr
Fields["PrimaryOffenceCode"].Value = dr
Fields["Location"].Value = dr["Location"].ToString();
Fields["PettySessionsDistrict"].Value = dr
Fields["EarliestStatuteBarredDate"].Value = dr
Fields["InitialRemandApplicationFlag"].Value = dr
Fields["PPSNIID"].Value = dr["PPSNIID"].ToString();
Fields["PrimaryOffenceCode"].Value = dr
Fields["CriminalBenefitGT10KFlag"].Value = dr
Fields["LinkedNotes"].Value = dr["LinkedNotes"].ToString();
Fields["ComplaintType"].Value = dr
Fields["OPONIRefNumber"].Value = dr
Fields["StatementOfFacts"].Value = dr
Fields["URN"].Value = dr["URN"].ToString();
Fields["description"].Value = dr["description"].ToString();
Fields["DEFDesc"].Value = dr["DEFDesc"].ToString();
Fields["RECdesc"].Value = dr["RECdesc"].ToString();
eArgs.EOF =false;
eArgs.EOF = true;

private void Detail_Format(object sender, System.EventArgs
// replace the following condition with your own
["chcomplaint"]).text == "1")
["chcomplaint"]).Checked = true;
["chcomplaint"]).Checked = false;
#region ActiveReports Designer generated code
private ReportHeader ReportHeader = null;
private PageHeader PageHeader = null;
private Label Label1 = null;
private Shape Shape1 = null;
private Label Label2 = null;
private TextBox txtRefNum = null;
private Label Label3 = null;
private TextBox TextBox1 = null;
private Line Line6 = null;
private Picture imgNWLogo = null;
private Detail Detail = null;
private Shape Shape6 = null;
private Shape Shape4 = null;
private Shape Shape2 = null;
private Label Label4 = null;
private Label Label5 = null;
private Line Line2 = null;
private Line Line3 = null;
private Label Label6 = null;
private Label Label7 = null;
private Line Line4 = null;
private Label Label8 = null;
private TextBox txtNamesReported = null;
private Label Label9 = null;
private Label Label10 = null;
private CheckBox chScheduled = null;
private Label Label11 = null;
private Label Label12 = null;
private CheckBox CheckBox1 = null;
private Shape Shape3 = null;
private Label Label13 = null;
private Label Label14 = null;
private Label Label15 = null;
private Label Label16 = null;
private TextBox txtstartdate = null;
private TextBox txtEndDate = null;
private Label Label17 = null;
private TextBox txtdateTimeReported = null;
private Label Label18 = null;
private Label Label19 = null;
private TextBox txtcode = null;
private Label Label20 = null;
private TextBox txtLocation = null;
private Label Label21 = null;
private TextBox txtpetty = null;
private Label Label22 = null;
private TextBox txtEarStatue = null;
private Label Label23 = null;
private Label Label24 = null;
private CheckBox chcriminalben = null;
private Label Label25 = null;
private TextBox txtLinkedCases = null;
private Label Label26 = null;
private CheckBox chcomplaint = null;
private Label Label27 = null;
private TextBox txtOPONIREF = null;
private Label Label28 = null;
private Label Label29 = null;
private TextBox Number = null;
private Label Label30 = null;
private Label Label31 = null;
private TextBox txtSurname = null;
private Shape Shape5 = null;
private TextBox TextBox2 = null;
private TextBox txtFileType = null;
private TextBox txtDefendantType = null;
private TextBox txtRecommendation = null;
private TextBox TextBox3 = null;
private TextBox TextBox4 = null;
private TextBox TextBox5 = null;
private TextBox txtrank = null;
private Line Line7 = null;
private Line Line8 = null;
private Line Line9 = null;
private Line Line10 = null;
private Line Line11 = null;
private Line Line12 = null;
private Line Line13 = null;
private Line Line14 = null;
private Line Line15 = null;
private Line Line16 = null;
private Line Line17 = null;
private Line Line18 = null;
private PageFooter PageFooter = null;
private Label Label32 = null;
private ReportFooter ReportFooter = null;
public void InitializeReport()
(), "Causeway_Reports.Test.rpx");
this.ReportHeader =
this.PageHeader = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.PageHeader)
this.Detail = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Detail)
this.PageFooter = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.PageFooter)
this.ReportFooter =
this.Label1 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Shape1 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Shape)
this.Label2 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.txtRefNum = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.Label3 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.TextBox1 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.Line6 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.imgNWLogo = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Picture)
this.Shape6 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Shape)
this.Shape4 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Shape)
this.Shape2 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Shape)
this.Label4 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Label5 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Line2 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Line3 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Label6 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Label7 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Line4 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Label8 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.txtNamesReported =
this.Label9 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Label10 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.chScheduled = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.CheckBox)
this.Label11 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Label12 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.CheckBox1 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.CheckBox)
this.Shape3 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Shape)
this.Label13 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Label14 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Label15 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Label16 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.txtstartdate = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.txtEndDate = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.Label17 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.txtdateTimeReported =
this.Label18 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Label19 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.txtcode = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.Label20 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.txtLocation = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.Label21 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.txtpetty = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.Label22 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.txtEarStatue = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.Label23 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Label24 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.chcriminalben = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.CheckBox)
this.Label25 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.txtLinkedCases = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.Label26 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.chcomplaint = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.CheckBox)
this.Label27 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.txtOPONIREF = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.Label28 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Label29 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Number = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.Label30 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.Label31 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
this.txtSurname = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.Shape5 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Shape)
this.TextBox2 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.txtFileType = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.txtDefendantType =
this.txtRecommendation =
this.TextBox3 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.TextBox4 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.TextBox5 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.txtrank = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.TextBox)
this.Line7 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Line8 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Line9 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Line10 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Line11 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Line12 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Line13 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Line14 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Line15 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Line16 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Line17 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Line18 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Line)
this.Label32 = ((DataDynamics.ActiveReports.Label)
// Attach Report Events
this.PageHeader.Format += new System.EventHandler
this.ReportStart += new System.EventHandler
this.DataInitialize += new System.EventHandler
this.FetchData += new
this.Detail.Format += new System.EventHandler

Morten Wennevik

Hi Stephen,

The problem is that there are two different CheckBoxes:

System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox and

Since you declare

using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

The compiler gets confused as to which CheckBox you refer to in the code.
If you aren't creating a web application, the easiest solution is to delete or comment out

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

Replacing all occurances of CheckBox with System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox will also solve this, in case you want to keep the WebControls line.

If you are creating a web application, delete or comment out the System.Windows.Forms part instead, or exchange every CheckBox to System.Web.UI.WebControls.CheckBox