Build Configurations settings



Hi ,
I have 4 build configurations in one project like below:

1) Unicode Release
2) Unicode Release
3) Unicode Debug
4) Release MinSize

Right now I am build the project, four times individually.

But all the four Build configurations should be build in only one build
( but the execution sequence of the build will be like above)

Can anybody tell me:: Is there any option in .net framework, which
resolve my build sequence to one instead of four times.


I avoid VS.NET altogether by using a nant script. It gets latest
source code from the repository, cleans, builds (debug/release, etc),
rebuilds database if necessary, runs fxcop, and finally unit tests.
Main build command looks like:

<target name="build" description="compiles the source code">
<exec program="cmd.exe" commandline=" /c ${MSBUILD_35} .\Solutions\root
\myproject.Dev.sln /p:Configuration=${configuration}" />

I double click a bat file to start it and have it pause once complete
to allow reviewing output. I'll try to help if you are interested in
more on using nant.



I avoid VS.NET altogether by using a nant script. It gets latest
source code from the repository, cleans, builds (debug/release, etc),
rebuilds database if necessary, runs fxcop, and finally unit tests.
Main build command looks like:

<target name="build" description="compiles the source code">
<exec program="cmd.exe" commandline=" /c ${MSBUILD_35} .\Solutions
\myproject.Dev.sln /p:Configuration=${configuration}" />

I double click a bat file to start it and have it pause once complete
to allow reviewing output. I'll try to help if you are interested in
more on using nant.

(.NET for your iPhone)

Jeff Johnson

But, should be able to configure what gets build for a given
configuration in the Configuration Manager of VS. I don't recall the
specifics, but you should be able to create a new configuration that
builds all four options (including both "Unicode Release" and "Unicode
Release", whatever the difference between those two might be :) ).

Apparently the second one uses full-width spaces....

(That's a little bit of Unicode geek humor, there.)

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