bug report about Search xp



1)i go in search xp feature
2) select hard drive
3) in "name file" i dont select anything, then press Return
4) During the search i click right button and save my criteria search
5) often xp seach hang (application dont reply)and i have to terminate it
if it dont hang you can try to save criteria search various times until it hang :)

in eventviewer i see
"The shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restarted. "

if i can help with other details let me know, sorry for my bad english

i have xp professional with all patch out until today except service pack 2

Richard Urban

Why would you even DO that?



Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew half as much as you think you know,
You'd realize you didn't know what you thought you knew!


In data Tue, 14 Dec 2004 10:01:23 -0500, Richard Urban ha scritto:
Why would you even DO that?

i wanted save "criteria search" and i noticed this bug ...it could be
useless but its always a bug no? :)

Bob I

No, something is broken on your system. I receive a listing of
everything on the drive.


In data Tue, 14 Dec 2004 13:41:46 -0600, Bob I ha scritto:
No, something is broken on your system. I receive a listing of
everything on the drive.
i dont know, my friend is able to reproduce on his system too.
search freeze when you save criteria search while its searching.. me too i
am able to see listing of everything if dont try to save criteria search :)

Bob I

And if you let it FINISH the search before saving the criteria or STOP
the search before saving the search?

Bob I

As a double check, I tried "stuffing" the system as you are doing and by
being patient and waiting after clicking, the harddrive finally stopped
seeking and responded to the "save" request.


In data Thu, 16 Dec 2004 09:50:17 -0600, Bob I ha scritto:
And if you let it FINISH the search before saving the criteria or STOP
the search before saving the search?
hi, if i let it finish the search and then save criteria seems
works(application hang for a while then unlock)
if i save while search often hang for ever :)

Bob I

Then it's strictly a "problem" with your setup. It can be any number of
things, not enough memory, slow processor, too many background apps,
etc. So either STOP the search, allow the search to FINISH, or correct
the problem with your system.

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