**Bug** in jitter


Lee Alexander

I have spent the past four days nailing down what looks to me like a bug in
the jitter.

When my program is run without the debugger attached in release an object is
disposed of whilst execution is still in one of it's methods. I have a C#
application talking to a managed C++ data access layer that then talks to a
managed/unmanaged data access engine. It's whilst in the unmanaged portion
that the object is incorrectly disposed via a system triggered GC.

I have turned off via the linker optimisations for the offending module.

Reproducible code
I have a reproducible console based test application that demonstrates the
problem. Unfortunately because it uses the data access engine I cannot post
the code directly here. I only have authorisation to email the source / test
app to a MS employee.


Ken Alverson

Lee Alexander said:
I have spent the past four days nailing down what looks to me like a bug in
the jitter.

When my program is run without the debugger attached in release an object is
disposed of whilst execution is still in one of it's methods. I have a C#
application talking to a managed C++ data access layer that then talks to a
managed/unmanaged data access engine. It's whilst in the unmanaged portion
that the object is incorrectly disposed via a system triggered GC.

Sounds like a known issue:



Lee Alexander


Thanks very much for that. GC.KeepAlive fixed it! Unbelievable I never would
have thought that the GC could collect an object whose methods are still
running. I'll have to run some of these debug probes on my application.

Thanks again


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