Bug in HTMLDocumentEvents2_onclickEventHandler ?




Can anybody confirm that there is a bug in
HTMLDocumentEvents2_onclickEventHandler ?

When automating Internet Explorer in C# I discovered the following problem:
using mshtml;HTMLDocumentEvents2_onclickEventHandler HandlerOnClick
= new HTMLDocumentEvents2_onclickEventHandler( this.OnDocumentClick );

((HTMLDocumentEvents2_Event)MyDocument).onclick += HandlerOnClick;

private bool OnDocumentClick(IHTMLEventObj ClickEvent)
return true; // allow further bubbeling of the event

_____________________________The event handler receives all mouse click
events which happen in the browser.
That's fine.

But as I return "true" I expect that this handler does NOT influence the
behaviour of the website.
But it DOES !
After I set the event handler it is not anymore possible to enter text into
"edit boxes" (<INPUT Type="Text"...> fields)
All the rest is working fine.
<INPUT Type="Text"...> is the only problem.

A second problem I discovered :
When I return false from the above function, the document is completely
blocked as I expected.
But some buttons still work although they should NOT !! ( <Input
type="button" ...> )

Can anybody confirm that this is not my programming error but a bug ?

(I found that others experienced the same problem in the comments part of
this page :
x )

If so :
Is it a bug in Internet Explrorer or in the C# runtine ? (I didn't try if
the same appears in C++ too)

Is there any fix ?

Where is it possible to report such bugs to Microsoft ?
In the knowledge base this problem does not yet exist.



ElmüSoft - die Perle im Internet :


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