Browser is redirecting automatically to some unknown page



HI all,

I am using IE(Internet Explorer) as my default browser for
application development.

Today i faced a strange problem. When ever an exception occured in the page
....application is not redirecting to the default error page which will
normally come. instead page is redirecting to

I don't understand why this is happening.
Can any one suggest me how can i over come this problem.

Thanks in Advance,

JIMCO Software

deepukutty said:
HI all,

I am using IE(Internet Explorer) as my default browser for
application development.

Today i faced a strange problem. When ever an exception occured in
the page ...application is not redirecting to the default error page
which will normally come. instead page is redirecting to

That sounds like spyware to me. I would run a spyware scan.

Jim Cheshire
JIMCO Software

FrontPage add-ins for FrontPage 2000 - 2003

John Timney \( MVP \)

try running some spyware detection software,

internet-optimizer is a scum spyware company


John Timney
Microsoft Regional Director

Kevin Spencer

Congratulations. You have Adware on your computer. InternetOptimizer is a
parasite that you or someone else using your computer picked up when
clicking on an email link or perhaps surfing the web. Either you or someone
else using your computer clicked an "OK" button to download and install the
ActiveX Control that it needs in order to hijack your error pages.

How do I know this? I Googled it. You can read more about your new friend

Some good AntiVirus or AntiSpyware software would be a healthy thing to
have. Here's a link to my favorite (donation-ware) AntiSpyware software,
"SpyBot Search and Destroy" -

Highly configurable, and speaks quite a few languages as well. It will
remove this bad guy and any other Spyware and/or Adware parasites on your
computer. It will NOT remove viruses. But on the other hand, it won't cost
you a dime, unless you want to pay for it, and it won't try to take over
your OS, like so many anti-virus software packages do.

For future reference, unless you are ENTIRELY SURE that a link in an email
isn't leading you astray, DO NOT click on it! Many emails are in HTML
format, and what you see isn't always what you get. View the source HTML of
the email to find out where it actually links to. If the URL has a query
string at the end of it, it is highly likely that it is not your friend.

In addition, spoofing a return email address in a mail message is a piece of
cake. Don't trust the return email address of emails. Quite often, trojan
horses and worms will invade a freind's computer, and you may get an email
from "a friend" that is bad Ju-Ju. In short, unless you have a darned good
reason for clicking a link in an email, DON'T.

Beware of "surfing the web." If you want pornography, by a magazine or rent
a movie. If you want to have fun, play a game console video game or a
computer game that you bought in a store. In other words, think of the
Internet like a very very big city. Stay out of strange neighborhoods and
red-light districts.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Ambiguity has a certain quality to it.

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