Browser compatibility problem...



Hi All,

I have an application which contains one signup form.When
I run in IE 6.0,its working fine as for my design.. But when I run in
Mozilla, there are some 10 - 15 px extra bottom -padding between each
textbox control.( I have placed the whole form inside a table and each
textbox contols in diff cells of the table and each cells having
corresponding CSS ).. Anyone tell me how to avoid this Browser
compatibility problem.How to set common CSS property to all browsers?



I reckon this question is more appropriate for the
microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.aspnet group, not this one - there are
more guys specific to you problem

Hi All,

I have an application which contains one signup form.When
I run in IE 6.0,its working fine as for my design.. But when I run in
Mozilla, there are some 10 - 15 px extra bottom -padding between each
textbox control.( I have placed the whole form inside a table and each
textbox contols in diff cells of the table and each cells having
corresponding CSS ).. Anyone tell me how to avoid this Browser
compatibility problem.How to set common CSS property to all browsers?

Michael Nemtsev :: blog:

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsche

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