Browser-Back funtion always jumps to top of pages (XML only)



I think I found a bug with the "browser back" funktionality in conjunction
with XML pages. See the five steps:

1) On a large XML page which is visualized via an XSL...
2) Scroll down some pages, then...
3) click a link to another document
4) after the new dokument was loaded, click the "browser back" button..
5) IE jumps to the !!TOP!! of the previous page, instead of jumping to the
correct position in the page.

Firefox, Mozilla, NS work fine.

Any answer would be appreciated

Jan Il


Try the following and see if it helps:

Back Button - "Page has expired" error when using back button

Can't use back button - Page won't release for back return

Either press Shift and click or right-click and choose Open in New Window to
avoid getting trapped on a page and can't use back button to return to
previous page.


You can click the down arrow on the right side of the Back button and select
any page in the list. This will take you back to that page and return the
back button for normal use.

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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that's why they're so contagious.

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Hi Jan Il :)

many thanks for your answer!

I don't have a problem with going back to the previouse page rather the
problem is:
- going back to the previouse page AND
- going to the former position in the page, e.g. the bottom of the page.

IE always jumps to the top of the page.
As I said in the topic, this problem only occurs with XML pages.

With normal HTML pages (or PHP,ASP....) it works just fine.

Robert Aldwinckle

Any answer would be appreciated

Don't do that. ;o

If you know the back function is going to cause the page to be refreshed
don't just click on a link within it; Shift-click, or right-click, Open new window
on a link within it. Then to "go back" all you have to do is close the window.

Alternatively, if you must use the Back function, since the refresh
function is probably being directed by the host site, before pressing
Back try setting Work Offline. I'm not sure if the XML page needs
to be cached in order for that to work or not. If it's not cacheable
and you get a prompt about it not being available offline I guess
you will find out and be able to answer that for us. ;)


Robert Aldwinckle

Jan Il


I regret that I can not find any further information on this issue, and I
see that Robert has provided a good suggestion for you. Hopefully, it will
help resolve the problem for you.

Good luck! :)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.


We had a support case with Microsoft about this problem.
The statement from Microsoft was, that this behavior is "by design", which
means, that they have the opinion, that this is not a bug.

I call it a "by-design-bug", because it makes completely no sense to me.
The thoughts behind this "design" is even for Microsoft unclear.

although we are a small company, Microsoft filed a "design-change-request"
for this behavior, so we are still in hope, that the design will be changed
before Longhorn.

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