Browser back button


Ben James

When I clcik on a link on a page and view it the page is
fine. But when I click back however, the page I looked at
seconds before isn't loaded anymore and reloads itself!!
This is annoying as some of the pages I visit have lots
of pics and I have a slow 56k connection!!

It only happened a few days ago. Until then, pages stayed
loaded and when I clciked back they were already there.

Have tried turning off automatically checking for newer
pages but this does nothing!!!

Please can someone help??

C. Stewart

Have you tried deleting your Temporary Internet files
and/or your history, and increasing the size of your
Temporary Internet files folder?

Ben James

Yeah I have tried all that but nothing seems to work. My
Temp Internet Files folder is 3GB at moment. But have
tried several different sizes

H Leboeuf

That folder is very big and your index may be damaged. Keep it around 40 -
50 Mg.

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