Brings up URLs in a new window - NOT!


Viba Fima

I am testing HTML emails on my Outlook 2000. When I click on the hyperlinks,
sometimes a new window pops up, sometimes a current window is re-used. In
one e-mail, a current window is re-used for all the hyperlinks; but after a
while, when I revisit that e-mail, all the hyperlinks cause new windows to
pop up. In another e-mail, new windows get pop up on the hyperlinks more
often than current windows being re-used. I look at the source code of both
e-mails and make sure that there is no target=_blank. All the hyperlinks are
in the basic form <a href=">.

The same thing happens in my Outlook Express. Certain e-mails seem to cause
windows pop up more often than others. But like Outlook, there is no
consistency. Sometimes windows get created, sometimes they get re-used.

I am running Outlook 2000 SP-3 on WIndows ME.
Totally baffled

Nikki Peterson [MVP - Outlook]

Go to slipstick and read about these possible issues:

Outlook 2003 Rules May Halt Exchange 5.5

Update CDO on Exchange Server before
Using Outlook 2003:
Exchange 5.5 CDO Patch 2657.55

We are using Outlook 2003 with Exchange 5.5 successfully with these
patches in place...

Nikki Peterson [MVP - Outlook]

I am testing HTML emails on my Outlook 2000. When I click on the hyperlinks,
sometimes a new window pops up, sometimes a current window is re-used. In
one e-mail, a current window is re-used for all the hyperlinks; but after a
while, when I revisit that e-mail, all the hyperlinks cause new windows to
pop up. In another e-mail, new windows get pop up on the hyperlinks more
often than current windows being re-used. I look at the source code of both
e-mails and make sure that there is no target=_blank. All the hyperlinks are
in the basic form <a href=">.

The same thing happens in my Outlook Express. Certain e-mails seem to cause
windows pop up more often than others. But like Outlook, there is no
consistency. Sometimes windows get created, sometimes they get re-used.

I am running Outlook 2000 SP-3 on WIndows ME.
Totally baffled

Nikki Peterson [MVP - Outlook]

Ignore my other post, I replied to the wrong message...

However, the new window problem would involve either the way
the link is formed (as you mentioned) or the settings in your IE.
However, your intermittant problem would point more towards the
way the link is formed. But you may want to check your IE
settings too...

There is a setting in Internet Explorer (IE) that fixes this.

Open the TOOLS menu
Select the ADVANCED tab
Under the "Browsing" heading is a box checked
Remove the check mark next to this box.

Nikki Peterson [MVP - Outlook]

I am testing HTML emails on my Outlook 2000. When I click on the hyperlinks,
sometimes a new window pops up, sometimes a current window is re-used. In
one e-mail, a current window is re-used for all the hyperlinks; but after a
while, when I revisit that e-mail, all the hyperlinks cause new windows to
pop up. In another e-mail, new windows get pop up on the hyperlinks more
often than current windows being re-used. I look at the source code of both
e-mails and make sure that there is no target=_blank. All the hyperlinks are
in the basic form <a href=">.

The same thing happens in my Outlook Express. Certain e-mails seem to cause
windows pop up more often than others. But like Outlook, there is no
consistency. Sometimes windows get created, sometimes they get re-used.

I am running Outlook 2000 SP-3 on WIndows ME.
Totally baffled

Viba Fima

Hi Nikki,
Can you tell me about the cause due to the link being formed? I am testing
HTML emails that my company sends out, and most of our e-mails generate new
windows when the user clicks on hyperlinks, while most of the other HTML
e-mails from other e-mailers do not. This is not 100% consistent.. I checked
the links in our e-mail and they do not have any target or something like
it. We generated our HTML e-mails using Microsoft CDONTS running on Win2000.


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