Breaking up a table into several tables



I have a table that is too big. I need to break it into 3 tables. How can I
just like copy some fields to different new table? thanks.


Using a make table query is the best way. but you have to make sure you
create some sort of key to allow you to link the tables so the fields in each
table stay in sync. Usually you would use a master key foreign key that
wopuld match on each record in each table. If you already have a key field,
you would want to put this in each table and then create a relationship
between all of the tables.




Rich said:
I have a table that is too big. I need to break it into 3 tables. How can I
just like copy some fields to different new table? thanks.

If you have a newer version of Access, you can use the Table Analyzer
to split up a table. The nice thing about it is that it doesn't
require you to create any queries or reenter information. It is
basically a tool you can use to drag and drop fields from one table out
to other tables. As Cyberwolf stated, make sure that you have some way
of connecting the information in the three new tables back together
once you separate them.

To use the Table Analyzer, go to Tools...Analyze...Table. Read or skip
the first to pages which explain a few places where the Table Analyzer
can be helpful. Then, you can choose whether to let Access determine
how to break up your table or you can do it by yourself. It sounds
like you already know how you want the new tables to be structured, so
I would recommend doing it yourself.


Rich said:
I have a table that is too big. I need to break it into 3 tables. How can I
just like copy some fields to different new table? thanks.

If you have a newer version of Access, you can use the Table Analyzer
to split up a table. The nice thing about it is that it doesn't
require you to create any queries or reenter information. It is
basically a tool you can use to drag and drop fields from one table out
to other tables. As Cyberwolf stated, make sure that you have some way
of connecting the information in the three new tables back together
once you separate them.

To use the Table Analyzer, go to Tools...Analyze...Table. Read or skip
the first to pages which explain a few places where the Table Analyzer
can be helpful. Then, you can choose whether to let Access determine
how to break up your table or you can do it by yourself. It sounds
like you already know how you want the new tables to be structured, so
I would recommend doing it yourself.


Joseph Meehan

Rich said:
I have a table that is too big. I need to break it into 3 tables.
How can I just like copy some fields to different new table? thanks.

Could you tell us what "too big" means here?

Do you mean it is not properly normalized (as the prior respondents I
believe assumed) or because it has too many records, or what.

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