Breadcrumbs and my menu



If you make the Breadcrumbs control use the site map, is there a way
to not show certain things that can be visible in the site map, but
not in the main navidation menu?

I ask, as I have an item on my menu: Organisations

I click that, and I can edit the Org, or I can select a branch from a
grid. The bread crumbs should just show, 'Organisations'.

When I select a branch, the breadcrumbs should then read Organisations

I don't want a user to be able to navidate directly to a branch from
the main menu. I am new to, but I was told that we would need
2 site maps. That seems wrong.

Is there a way for this to work?

Steve C. Orr [MCSD, MVP, CSM, ASP Insider]

You can programmatically adjust which nodes the breadcrumb and menu controls
display at runtime by navigating their object models and node collections
and adding/removing nodes as necessary.
But likely the only way to handle this situation declaratively (purely at
design time) would be to use 2 site maps.

I hope this helps,
Steve C. Orr,

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