Brain Dead



Column A = Store list
Column B = Avg. Tkt. TY
Column C = Avg. Tkt. LY
Column D = $ Increase
Column E = Rank ( How these stores rank against each other, 1,2,3

I did a sort, in another column, then numbered the ranking order.
Tried a VLOOKUP and it works if there is only one store with an exact
amount. When 2 or more stores have the same amount I get #N/A. Is
there a way for it to pick up the first rank number and then the next
store pick up the next rank number.

OR: is there an easy way to get a "ranking number".


Yes, assuming you want to rank by the value in range D2:D10, enter in


and drag down. This will add one to the rank for every prior
occurrence of the number when there are ties. You can now look up this
range for consecutive numbers.




I want to thank both of you for your help. It works great once you take
the #N/A out of the list you want ranked. It's a great day when you
learn something new. Thanks.:)

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