


Can someone help me with code for a vertcal scrolling marquee to be placed on
a form?


Can someone help me with code for a vertcal scrolling marquee to be placed on
a form?

Here is a horizontal scroll. Perhaps you can adapt it to vertical.
Just remember, a little of this goes a very long way. It will be
distracting to many users.

You would use code in the form's timer event.

Add a label to the form.
Set the Timer Interval to 1000.

Code the Timer event:

Private Sub Form_Timer()
Dim strMsg As String
Static I As Integer
I = I + 1
strMsg = "This is your message. "
' Display then exit
If I > Len(strMsg) Then Exit Sub
' or if you wish to repeat the message
' If I > len(strMsg) Then I = 1
LabelName.Caption = LabelName.Caption & Mid(strMsg, I, 1)

End Sub

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