I needed an upgrade to my Seagate Baracudda 1 TB drive on my 3 year
old ASUS mobo (P6X58D-E). The mobo dces not have UEFI support. I
wanted to use it as my main Windows 7 x64 drive.
Little did I know that this was going to be an issue.
Is there a way of allowing Windows 7 to see the full 3TB drive and
have it run as the boot drive as well?
Have you updated the Bios ?
Description P6X58D-E BIOS 0803
Fixed raid hdd size issue
*Note: Update Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology Driver to v10.5.0.1026
to support full HDD capacity.(contained the driver)
File Size 252,97 MBytesupdate 2012.08.27
Not sure if it's your problem, but ...
Not sure either. I hate updating the Asus bios. They advertise which I
find to be more of a gimmick than anything that the bios settings can
be saved to USB. I tried that when I updated to the newer version a
few years ago.
The saved bios settings wouldn't/couldn't merge with the new updated
bios. There were so so many different new bios settings and I was not
able to get any literature on it. Asus tech support was useless.
With the new update, there was also no way I knew what would be the
correct settings. My new bios settings from factory default didn't
allow me to boot at all. Fortunately, I backed up the old bios and I
reverted to the previous orignal bios. I had the settings backed up
via the USB and that worked.
As I understand it, the s/w update won't help since the drive requies
UEFI and that is only available via bios settings not driver.
Although stable, I don't think I would buy Asus again. I even had to
manually enter my RAM settings into the bios since the auto detect
didnt detect the optimal (not overcloced) RAM settings. Asus
supposedly has a software bios update but that never worked. One had
to do it via DOS.