Both wired & wireless => limited connectivity




I recently reinstalled my dell laptot (Latitude D505) with XP SP2.
Windows firewall is disabled.

My problem is that I can't have both wired & wireless connections
active simultaneously. When I do so, one of the 2 connections has
always a limited connectivity : no DHCP address is recieved.

If I'm using only one connection, no problem. If I start with wireless
and then plug an ethernet link, I get the limited connectity message. I
get the same error using a wired connection and then enabling wireless.

The only workaround I found is to disable the connection in windows
network places and to enable it back. Then it works. But if I reboot my
computer, I get the error again.

It's driving me crazy (I'm not a newbie). I made sniffer traces and it
seems that no DHCP request is sent for the second connection. When
looking at the connection properties, no paquet is sent !

If someone can help, it would be great !!



Hi 'not a newbie'
Curious, is these wireless and ether`nets the same local lan ?
Why do you need the two connections ?



Yes, it's on the same LAN. I need this cause I'm often moving from my
desktop to meeting rooms and wireless offers not enough bandwith (my
company has only 802.11b AP).

I spent the night on the problem and finally found that kerio FW was
guilty. I think it's a bug in version 4.1.3. The problem occured event
when Kerio was disabled or even shutted down.

I remove it and reinstall version 4.1.2 and everything is fine now. I
will report the bug to Kerio.

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