Boot Loader Problems


David P. Donahue

I was having hardware problems on one of my computers, but I needed to
keep that particular install of Windows active so I put the drive in
another computer. However, when it tries to boot I get an error saying
that it can't load that device. I don't remember the exact error, but
it was something like:

NTLDR: can't load IDE(0).Disk(0).Partition(0)

Something to that effect. (Sorry I can't be more specific right now,
but that machine is currently doing something else.) I tried putting in
my XP media and doing a repair, but that didn't fix it. Any ideas?

At the moment, I've put in a second drive and am installing XP on that.
Once the machine is booting to that secondary drive, is there a way to
change the boot loader to include a choice between the two installs?
How would I do that (the Windows equivelent of editing /etc/lilo.conf, I

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.

David P. Donahue
(e-mail address removed)

Ron Martell

David P. Donahue said:
I was having hardware problems on one of my computers, but I needed to
keep that particular install of Windows active so I put the drive in
another computer. However, when it tries to boot I get an error saying
that it can't load that device. I don't remember the exact error, but
it was something like:

NTLDR: can't load IDE(0).Disk(0).Partition(0)

Something to that effect. (Sorry I can't be more specific right now,
but that machine is currently doing something else.) I tried putting in
my XP media and doing a repair, but that didn't fix it. Any ideas?

At the moment, I've put in a second drive and am installing XP on that.
Once the machine is booting to that secondary drive, is there a way to
change the boot loader to include a choice between the two installs?
How would I do that (the Windows equivelent of editing /etc/lilo.conf, I

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.

Windows XP is very tightly configured during the install process for
the specific hardware found in the computer that it is being installed

When you move the the hard drive with the installed Windows XP to a
different computer you almost always have to do a Repair Install in
order to reconfigure XP for the different hardware.

See for detailed
procedures etc.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

In memory of a dear friend Alex Nichol MVP

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