Boot ini file missing - windows XP fails to start in any mode



I am in deep and murky waters.
My windows XP does not start..keeps saying..Boot ini file missing

windows file system 32 hal.dll file missing or what it
keeps saying..

I tried starting in all modes on pressing F8...nothing seems to
work..the comp acts like it is revving up an engine..but nothing

even...putting in a OS re-installation not making any

is there any way to slavage my I can seem to get past this


I think you'll find the HAL.DLL message occurs if the bootloader can't find
the right partition on the hard-disk to load Windows from. (In other words
it's nothing to do with HAL.DLL itself, just an indication that the
Windows\System32 folder can't be found.)

Basically, the C:\BOOT.INI file contains instructions to the bootloader,
telling it where to find the OS.

If it can't be found at all, it might literally have got deleted, or else
there might be an issue like the wrong partition having been made active.

HST, the simplest explanation could be a bootable floppy, CD or USB stick
left in.. I take it you've checked all the drives and USB slots?

Main thing is not to get too hasty. Check for simple causes first. Only
take drastic steps like reinstalling if nothing else works.

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