Boot Disk Failure



I'm unable to get Windows XP (Professional Ed.) to run, and get the
following error message on startup ...

'Disk Boot Failure, Insert system Disk and hit Enter'

Can anyone tell me the steps to follow in order to resolve this problem,
including the resources necessary to implement the solution?

Is it likely a virus related problem ?

Thanks in advance


First check to see if you have a disk in A drive (if you have an A drive).
If so, remove it. Is it trying to boot from CD that is non bootable? Start
at the bottom of troubleshooting.

Wesley Vogel

[[Remove the non-system disk from your boot device. For example, remove the
non-system disk from the floppy drive or the CD-ROM drive. ]]

[[Non-System disk or disk error

Replace and press any key when ready ]]

[[Q. What causes a non-system disk error?

A. Non-System Disk or Disk Error results when the Basic Input/Output System
(BIOS) cannot find the boot sector or the master boot record is missing or
damaged; i.e. the device does not have bootable media. The BIOS searches
drives in the order usually specified in the CMOS Setup. This order is
often, but not always, A: (floppy drive), C: (first partition on the hard
disk)… The error will occur during startup if the CMOS is set so the BIOS
seeks the floppy drive first and a non-bootable (or blank) floppy is in (was
left in) the floppy drive. Other causes include:

• No bootable partition on a hard disk drive
• A defective hard disk drive
• The CMOS drive settings (parameters) are not correct for the boot device
• Defective floppy
• Defective floppy drive
• A virus ]]

Error message when you start your computer with a non-system disk

Invalid / Non System Disk error

Creating a boot disk for an NTFS or FAT partition

How to use System files to create a boot disk to guard against being unable
to start Windows XP

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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