boot defrag



should I change the values to Yes ???


Wesley Vogel

This is part of how Prefetch works.


[[Accepted values for this entry are Y or N. If the entry is set to Y,
Windows automatically optimizes the file location for boot optimization.
This optimization occurs automatically if the system is idle for 10 minutes.
Boot optimization improves startup time by locating startup files in
contiguous clusters on the volume, reducing the movement of the disk head
when reading the volume.]]

Enable change to Y.
LcnEndLocation change to 0.
LcnStartLocation change to 0.
OptimizeComplete leave this one alone.
OptimizeError leave this one alone.

This will force any pending idle tasks to be executed immediately, without
having to wait a lengthy period of time. Now do this...

Open a command prompt...
Start | Run | Type: cmd | Click OK |
Type or paste this in the command prompt:

Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks

Hit your Enter key.

Go do something else for a while. It can take 10 to 15 minutes for idle
tasks to complete.

After your hard drive is done thrashing open regedit again and go to...


Enable should still be Y.
LcnEndLocation should have changed from 0 to a larger number.
LcnStartLocation should have changed from 0 to a larger number.
OptimizeComplete should have changed to Yes.
OptimizeError should be blank unless there was an error like Insufficient

Idle Task Scheduling: The ProcessIdleTask API

Also check this key...

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory

Look for EnablePrefetcher in the right pane, if the value is not 3,
Double click EnablePrefetcher and change the value to 3.
Values are (0 = disabled, 1 = Application launch prefetching, 2 = Boot
prefetching, 3 = Both prefetching). 3 seems to be the preferred option.
Exit regedit
This will take effect on next reboot.
It will take three boots to rebuild the Prefetch file.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User




how do I copy and cut
Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
to the dos prompt? ctrl v doesn't work

While sipping a glass of wine, I read that Wesley Vogel wrote in

Mikhail Zhilin

On Sun, 3 Jul 2005 00:43:33 +0700, "D@annyBoy" <origin@ld@nnyboy @

how do I copy and cut
Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
to the dos prompt? ctrl v doesn't work

Ether paste it (Ctrl+V) directly in the command line, that will be
opened on Start -- Run...,

or right click DOS (i.e. CMD) window, and select: Paste

Mikhail Zhilin
MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
Sorry, no technical support by e-mail.
Please reply to the newsgroups only.
While sipping a glass of wine, I read that Wesley Vogel wrote in

This is part of how Prefetch works.


[[Accepted values for this entry are Y or N. If the entry is set to Y,
Windows automatically optimizes the file location for boot optimization.
This optimization occurs automatically if the system is idle for 10 minutes.
Boot optimization improves startup time by locating startup files in
contiguous clusters on the volume, reducing the movement of the disk head
when reading the volume.]]

Enable change to Y.
LcnEndLocation change to 0.
LcnStartLocation change to 0.
OptimizeComplete leave this one alone.
OptimizeError leave this one alone.

This will force any pending idle tasks to be executed immediately, without
having to wait a lengthy period of time. Now do this...

Open a command prompt...
Start | Run | Type: cmd | Click OK |
Type or paste this in the command prompt:

Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks

Hit your Enter key.

Go do something else for a while. It can take 10 to 15 minutes for idle
tasks to complete.

After your hard drive is done thrashing open regedit again and go to...


Enable should still be Y.
LcnEndLocation should have changed from 0 to a larger number.
LcnStartLocation should have changed from 0 to a larger number.
OptimizeComplete should have changed to Yes.
OptimizeError should be blank unless there was an error like Insufficient

Idle Task Scheduling: The ProcessIdleTask API

Also check this key...

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory

Look for EnablePrefetcher in the right pane, if the value is not 3,
Double click EnablePrefetcher and change the value to 3.
Values are (0 = disabled, 1 = Application launch prefetching, 2 = Boot
prefetching, 3 = Both prefetching). 3 seems to be the preferred option.
Exit regedit
This will take effect on next reboot.
It will take three boots to rebuild the Prefetch file.



Mikhail Zhilin said:
On Sun, 3 Jul 2005 00:43:33 +0700, "D@annyBoy" <origin@ld@nnyboy @

how do I copy and cut
Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
to the dos prompt? ctrl v doesn't work

Ether paste it (Ctrl+V) directly in the command line, that will be
opened on Start -- Run...,

or right click DOS (i.e. CMD) window, and select: Paste

Mikhail Zhilin
MS MVP (Windows - Shell/User)
Sorry, no technical support by e-mail.
Please reply to the newsgroups only.
While sipping a glass of wine, I read that Wesley Vogel wrote in

This is part of how Prefetch works.


[[Accepted values for this entry are Y or N. If the entry is set to Y,
Windows automatically optimizes the file location for boot optimization.
This optimization occurs automatically if the system is idle for 10 minutes.
Boot optimization improves startup time by locating startup files in
contiguous clusters on the volume, reducing the movement of the disk head
when reading the volume.]]

Enable change to Y.
LcnEndLocation change to 0.
LcnStartLocation change to 0.
OptimizeComplete leave this one alone.
OptimizeError leave this one alone.

This will force any pending idle tasks to be executed immediately, without
having to wait a lengthy period of time. Now do this...

Open a command prompt...
Start | Run | Type: cmd | Click OK |
Type or paste this in the command prompt:

Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks

Hit your Enter key.

Go do something else for a while. It can take 10 to 15 minutes for idle
tasks to complete.

After your hard drive is done thrashing open regedit again and go to...


Enable should still be Y.
LcnEndLocation should have changed from 0 to a larger number.
LcnStartLocation should have changed from 0 to a larger number.
OptimizeComplete should have changed to Yes.
OptimizeError should be blank unless there was an error like Insufficient

Idle Task Scheduling: The ProcessIdleTask API

Also check this key...

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory

Look for EnablePrefetcher in the right pane, if the value is not 3,
Double click EnablePrefetcher and change the value to 3.
Values are (0 = disabled, 1 = Application launch prefetching, 2 = Boot
prefetching, 3 = Both prefetching). 3 seems to be the preferred option.
Exit regedit
This will take effect on next reboot.
It will take three boots to rebuild the Prefetch file.

Wesley Vogel

Command Prompt Copy & Paste

This will set the QuickEdit Mode and the Insert Mode.

Right click the command prompt window's title bar.
Click Defaults.
Click on the Options tab.
Place a check mark in both of these:
QuickEdit Mode
Insert Mode
Click OK.

QuickEdit Mode
[[Enables you to use a pointing device (mouse) to cut and paste, bypassing
the Edit menu.]]
This option provides a fast, easy way to copy text from (and paste text
into) Command Prompt windows with a mouse. You can highlight text with a
mouse and use the Enter key to copy the highlighted test to the Windows

Insert Mode
[[Enables you to insert text at the cursor. If this is not selected, text
that is typed at the cursor replaces existing text.]]
This option (on by default) allows you to insert text at the cursor
position. You can right click and paste.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

D@annyBoy said:

how do I copy and cut
Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
to the dos prompt? ctrl v doesn't work

While sipping a glass of wine, I read that Wesley Vogel wrote in

This is part of how Prefetch works.


[[Accepted values for this entry are Y or N. If the entry is set to Y,
Windows automatically optimizes the file location for boot optimization.
This optimization occurs automatically if the system is idle for 10
minutes. Boot optimization improves startup time by locating startup
files in contiguous clusters on the volume, reducing the movement of the
disk head when reading the volume.]]

Enable change to Y.
LcnEndLocation change to 0.
LcnStartLocation change to 0.
OptimizeComplete leave this one alone.
OptimizeError leave this one alone.

This will force any pending idle tasks to be executed immediately,
without having to wait a lengthy period of time. Now do this...

Open a command prompt...
Start | Run | Type: cmd | Click OK |
Type or paste this in the command prompt:

Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks

Hit your Enter key.

Go do something else for a while. It can take 10 to 15 minutes for idle
tasks to complete.

After your hard drive is done thrashing open regedit again and go to...


Enable should still be Y.
LcnEndLocation should have changed from 0 to a larger number.
LcnStartLocation should have changed from 0 to a larger number.
OptimizeComplete should have changed to Yes.
OptimizeError should be blank unless there was an error like Insufficient

Idle Task Scheduling: The ProcessIdleTask API

Also check this key...

Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters

Look for EnablePrefetcher in the right pane, if the value is not 3,
Double click EnablePrefetcher and change the value to 3.
Values are (0 = disabled, 1 = Application launch prefetching, 2 = Boot
prefetching, 3 = Both prefetching). 3 seems to be the preferred option.
Exit regedit
This will take effect on next reboot.
It will take three boots to rebuild the Prefetch file.

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