Bluescreen Error - FIXED



Hi all,

I just wanted to let everyone know, that after several various attempts to fix my computer, one thing finally worked.

I had Norton Antivirus and using a suggestion given in this forum, I uninstalled it and downloaded another program. It took care of it. So, if you have Norton and have the same problem of your computer restarting from a bluescreen error, this may be causing it. Although there may be another cause. I'm no expert, just reporting what worked for me and my problem.


"Laura" wrote in message:

Hi all,

I just wanted to let everyone know, that after several various attempts to fix my computer, one thing finally worked.

I had Norton Antivirus and using a suggestion given in this forum, I uninstalled it and downloaded another program. It took care of it. So, if you have Norton and have the same problem of your computer restarting from a bluescreen error, this may be causing it. Although there may be another cause. I'm no expert, just reporting what worked for me and my problem.


Norton and McAfee are notorious for causing many problems. In any event, it was very considerate of you to post your solution, which will help other users overcome the same problem.



Thank you. I have seen many posts about similar problems, and even though I don't know much about computers, I thought maybe this may help a few.
"Laura" wrote in message:

Hi all,

I just wanted to let everyone know, that after several various attempts to fix my computer, one thing finally worked.

I had Norton Antivirus and using a suggestion given in this forum, I uninstalled it and downloaded another program. It took care of it. So, if you have Norton and have the same problem of your computer restarting from a bluescreen error, this may be causing it. Although there may be another cause. I'm no expert, just reporting what worked for me and my problem.


Norton and McAfee are notorious for causing many problems. In any event, it was very considerate of you to post your solution, which will help other users overcome the same problem.


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