Blocking column insertion



How do I prevent users from inserting columns without locking the worksheet?
The user has to insert data in columns A:U however, I need to prevent them
from inserting columns anywhere between column A and column U


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dan dungan

How does the user insert data in columns A:U?

In Excel 2000, I only see insert menus for worksheet, row, or column.
No insert data.

I'm wondering what is the reason not to lock the worksheet.



The user will type or paste data into the range....what I need to do is
prevent the user from inserting , or deleting columns in the A:U range.

Brad E.

Rafi, since this is so much later, I hope you have already figured out how to
enable what you are attempting. If not, see the following.

Protecting a worksheet doesn't have to protect all cells from being used.
There has to be protection for individual cells for the worksheet protection
takes effect.

You could always select columns A through U (click column header "A", make
sure column U is viewable, hold Shift and click "U") > Format Cells >
Protection > uncheck the check-box.

Now protect the worksheet, making sure column insertion and deletion are not
available for users, then save it.

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