blocked active x controls



Tom Pepper Willet
In a resonse to another post on 7/8/05 you indicated that for security
reasons. Your active x controls were blocked. Iwas interested in knowing
what those security issues were. If anyone else can enlighten me, please do.

Tom Pepper Willett

By default, Windows XP now blocks them. You may wish to Google for the
information as to why they are security risks. You'll come up with a ton of
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
About FrontPage 2003:
| Tom Pepper Willet
| In a resonse to another post on 7/8/05 you indicated that for security
| reasons. Your active x controls were blocked. Iwas interested in knowing
| what those security issues were. If anyone else can enlighten me, please
| --
| God Bless: Jimmyo

Andrew Murray

They could contain malicious code. ActiveX controls are executable programs.

They could do anything - so some people don't trust them.

They could be trojan horses, viruses -- whatever.

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