Blank Subject Warning?


Ben Rodden


I am trying to write a vba macro in Outlook that will
stop a message from being sent if the user has not
entered a subject. Here is the code that I have so far:

Private Sub application_itemsend(ByVal item As Object,
cancel As Boolean)

If item.Subject = "" Then

cancel = True

Dim iMsgBoxSel

iMsgBoxSel = MsgBox("Please fill in the subject
before sending.", vbSystemModal, "Missing Subject")

If iMsgBoxSel = vbOK Then

End If

End If

End Sub

This code works perfectly, except that the main Outlook
window becomes active after the macro is done running. I
want the active window to be the new message.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Andrew Cushen


You could use the SetForegroundWindow() API function.
You'll need the Handle of the new mail message window. You
could get this by using GetForegroundWindow at the
beginning of the application_itemsend() event. There may
be an easier way to get the handle- anyone out there know?

Let me know if you need guidance on using API functions.

-Andrew Cushen

Ben Rodden

Thanks for the suggestion! I am somewhat familiar with
vb, but I do not have any expierience with API's. Could
you give me some pointers on that.

Do I just need to create the function and call it later
in the macro?


Andrew Cushen

Thanks, Sue. I thought there might be an easier way! :)


Ben Rodden

I have had a problem with that. When I try to use the
Item identifier it does not recognize it as an object
inside of the function. However, I just realized that I
am using Outlook 2003 on this computer. I tried the code
on another computer with Outlook 2000 and the code that I
have now works perfectly on that computer. Microsoft
must have changed something in the new version regarding
message boxes or something.

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