Blank field formatted as date



I am trying to use a function to evaluate when a course is due. In column D
there may or may not be a date listed. I'm using this formula in to evaluate
if the course is due to be renewed.

=IF(DATE(YEAR(D3)+3,MONTH(D3),DAY(D3))<=TODAY(),"due"," ")

The problem arises when D3 is blank. It is still evaluating the blank cell
as a date, 01/01/1907 and returning "due" because it is less than today.

If D3 is blank I need the formula to return an empty string, which I thought
the above did.

Bob Phillips

Try this

=IF(AND(D3<>"",DATE(YEAR(D3)+3,MONTH(D3),DAY(D3))<=TODAY()),"due"," ")

Ron Rosenfeld

I am trying to use a function to evaluate when a course is due. In column D
there may or may not be a date listed. I'm using this formula in to evaluate
if the course is due to be renewed.

=IF(DATE(YEAR(D3)+3,MONTH(D3),DAY(D3))<=TODAY(),"due"," ")

The problem arises when D3 is blank. It is still evaluating the blank cell
as a date, 01/01/1907 and returning "due" because it is less than today.

If D3 is blank I need the formula to return an empty string, which I thought
the above did.

You could do something like:


By the way, I would advise returning NULL strings rather than, as in your
formula, a <space> character.


Dave Peterson


But any date 3 years in the future will never be <= today().

I'm not sure what that formula should be.



Thanks Bob, Ron and Dave. It works perfectly with the AND, and I've altered
it to be a null string.

Dave, the admin types in the date the course was taken and then if it is
longer than 3 years ago, it comes up with "due". Not very elegant, but I
just needed to make the formula work! My users weren't very interested in
alternative methods to track this.

Thanks, All!

Dave Peterson

Ooh. I see. I was (incorrectly) expecting the date in D3 to be more current.
That was a bad assumption!

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