Black Screen after Windows is loading screen



All was going well on my XP machine but now it has stopped
booting into XP (i Haven't added/removed/changed
anything). It does the XP is loading splash screen, then
the screen goes black & all we see it the mouse cursor. I
can move that around the black screen but can't left/right
click, use any window keys on the keyboard or anything.

I've tried booting into safe mode but just get a long list
of files (that I presume it is loading. The last file on
the list is mup???? (can't remember the rest) and then

I've run an anti-virus from a floppy but haven't found

Any help greatly appreciated.



R. C. White

Hi, Gogs.

How long have you waited at the black screen? Sometimes it can take several
minutes for WinXP to do all its "behind-the-scenes" housekeeping and
continue to load. (Of course, I assume you know this and waited long
enough, but you did not say how long, so I had to ask.)

A Google search for "mup.sys + safe + xp" turned up over 200 hits. Here is
one of them, reporting success after removing the USB 2.0 card:

Of course, I don't even know if you have a USB 2.0 card, but maybe some of
the other Google hits will give you some clues. At any rate, it is likely
to be a problem with hardware, either with a device, or with the WinXP
drivers for the device. You may need to do some trial-and-error

Please let us know what you learn. In a newsgroup, we all learn from each


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