BitBlt is all black


Larry Serflaten

Can anyone see something wrong with the code below?

Friend Sub MapUpdate(ByRef Artwork As Bitmap, ByRef Player As MapObject)

If grxForm Is Nothing Then grxForm = Me.CreateGraphics
Dim hdcDst As IntPtr = grxForm.GetHdc

Dim art As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Artwork)
Dim hdcSrc As IntPtr = art.GetHdc
Dim rtn As Integer

rtn = BitBlt(hdcDst.ToInt32, 0, 46, 352, 349, hdcSrc.ToInt32, Player.Location.X - 160, Player.Location.Y - 160,
'rtn = BitBlt(hdcDst.ToInt32, 0, 0, 150, 150, hdcDst.ToInt32, 50, 50, &HCC0020)


'myArtRect.X = Player.Location.X - 160
'myArtRect.Y = Player.Location.Y - 160
'grxForm.DrawImage(Artwork, myMapRect, myArtRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)

The problem is that the image copied is all black. If I use the
second BitBlt line, that works to copy part of the form back on
to itself. Both calls return 1.

If I comment it all out (except the top line) and use the last 3
lines that are shown commented, that works to copy the image, but
it is just too slow. The Artwork is a much larger bitmap and I am
trying to copy only a portion of it to the form.

Can anyone see why I am getting an all black copy?


Cor Ligthert


I did only shortly look to it, it is not the stuff I really like.

However did you look at the question from Peter some rows above this, I
thought he had a big part of the code you need.

I always become crazy from all those different rectangles and there points
which have to be set

However when not reply, you never know, I have once made something to use as
a kind of a classic foto enlarger and I thought that that had a lot of your
question in it.

I got a start from Fergus Cooney a regular from the past for that.
(While it is as well in the resourcekit I saw later).


Ken Tucker [MVP]


The image must be visible to get a hdc that is usable by bitblt.

Can anyone see something wrong with the code below?

Friend Sub MapUpdate(ByRef Artwork As Bitmap, ByRef Player As MapObject)

If grxForm Is Nothing Then grxForm = Me.CreateGraphics
Dim hdcDst As IntPtr = grxForm.GetHdc

Dim art As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Artwork)
Dim hdcSrc As IntPtr = art.GetHdc
Dim rtn As Integer

rtn = BitBlt(hdcDst.ToInt32, 0, 46, 352, 349, hdcSrc.ToInt32,
Player.Location.X - 160, Player.Location.Y - 160,
'rtn = BitBlt(hdcDst.ToInt32, 0, 0, 150, 150, hdcDst.ToInt32, 50,
50, &HCC0020)


'myArtRect.X = Player.Location.X - 160
'myArtRect.Y = Player.Location.Y - 160
'grxForm.DrawImage(Artwork, myMapRect, myArtRect,

The problem is that the image copied is all black. If I use the
second BitBlt line, that works to copy part of the form back on
to itself. Both calls return 1.

If I comment it all out (except the top line) and use the last 3
lines that are shown commented, that works to copy the image, but
it is just too slow. The Artwork is a much larger bitmap and I am
trying to copy only a portion of it to the form.

Can anyone see why I am getting an all black copy?


Larry Serflaten

Ken Tucker said:
The image must be visible to get a hdc that is usable by bitblt.

Is that a graphics linitation? Bitblt works on a valid hDC and in
the API, the hDC can be a memory only object.

In other words, that is not how it used to work. In VB6 you can BitBlt
from a hidden picturebox.....


Larry Serflaten

Cor Ligthert said:
I did only shortly look to it, it is not the stuff I really like.

However did you look at the question from Peter some rows above this, I
thought he had a big part of the code you need.

Did you mean Subject: "There has to be an easier way"

He is not using the API. I have .NET code that works (the last 3 lines)
I want to try the API to gain speed.
