Birthday Report



Hi I am an neebie
I am trying to send out birthday cards from my database by month
but it is seperating by month and year ie. nov 1916, nov 1936
can you tell me how to do this.
Also when I was inputing Birthdays, if I typed 16 (as in 1916) it would put
in 2016 how can I fix this


Hi I am an neebie
I am trying to send out birthday cards from my database by month
but it is seperating by month and year ie. nov 1916, nov 1936
can you tell me how to do this.

Create a query based upon your birthday table.
Add a new column to the query grid.

As criteria on this new column, write:
Enter [Month wanted mm]
When prompted, enter the month number as a 2 digit value, i.e. 04 for
Also when I was inputing Birthdays, if I typed 16 (as in 1916) it would put
in 2016 how can I fix this

Since the Year2K date fix, Access will assume any 2 digit year entered
as 00 to 29 to be 2000-2029. Any year entered as 30-99 will be assumed
to be 1930-1999. Don't make Access guess. Use a 4 digit year, not a 2
digit year.


Start with the second question
In Access if you type a Year up to 29 including it will assume it's 2000 and
a above, any year above 30 up to 99 it will assume 1900 and above.

In that case you have to make sure that the user type a date with 4 digit Year

Second question:
Is the Date field is a Date/Time field type?
In that case you can use the Month function to get the month from the date

Where Month([DateFieldName]) = Month(Date())

Where Month([DateFieldName]) = [Please select a month 1-12]

The user will be prompt with the message Please select a month 1-12



Do I type ([DateFieldName])= [please select a month 1-12] in the critiria?

Ofer Cohen said:
Start with the second question
In Access if you type a Year up to 29 including it will assume it's 2000 and
a above, any year above 30 up to 99 it will assume 1900 and above.

In that case you have to make sure that the user type a date with 4 digit Year

Second question:
Is the Date field is a Date/Time field type?
In that case you can use the Month function to get the month from the date

Where Month([DateFieldName]) = Month(Date())

Where Month([DateFieldName]) = [Please select a month 1-12]

The user will be prompt with the message Please select a month 1-12

Good Luck

kristin1230christian said:
Hi I am an neebie
I am trying to send out birthday cards from my database by month
but it is seperating by month and year ie. nov 1916, nov 1936
can you tell me how to do this.
Also when I was inputing Birthdays, if I typed 16 (as in 1916) it would put
in 2016 how can I fix this


When i type the second option, it says invalid string name

Ofer Cohen said:
Start with the second question
In Access if you type a Year up to 29 including it will assume it's 2000 and
a above, any year above 30 up to 99 it will assume 1900 and above.

In that case you have to make sure that the user type a date with 4 digit Year

Second question:
Is the Date field is a Date/Time field type?
In that case you can use the Month function to get the month from the date

Where Month([DateFieldName]) = Month(Date())

Where Month([DateFieldName]) = [Please select a month 1-12]

The user will be prompt with the message Please select a month 1-12

Good Luck

kristin1230christian said:
Hi I am an neebie
I am trying to send out birthday cards from my database by month
but it is seperating by month and year ie. nov 1916, nov 1936
can you tell me how to do this.
Also when I was inputing Birthdays, if I typed 16 (as in 1916) it would put
in 2016 how can I fix this


fredg said:
Hi I am an neebie
I am trying to send out birthday cards from my database by month
but it is seperating by month and year ie. nov 1916, nov 1936
can you tell me how to do this.

Create a query based upon your birthday table.
Add a new column to the query grid.

As criteria on this new column, write:
Enter [Month wanted mm]
When prompted, enter the month number as a 2 digit value, i.e. 04 for
Also when I was inputing Birthdays, if I typed 16 (as in 1916) it would put
in 2016 how can I fix this

Since the Year2K date fix, Access will assume any 2 digit year entered
as 00 to 29 to be 2000-2029. Any year entered as 30-99 will be assumed
to be 1930-1999. Don't make Access guess. Use a 4 digit year, not a 2
digit year.


In the field section you should create a new field and write in it:

FieldMinth: Month([DateFieldName])

In the criteria under the new field:

[please select a month 1-12]

***Note: cheange the DateFieldName to the real date field name
Good Luck

kristin1230christian said:

Do I type ([DateFieldName])= [please select a month 1-12] in the critiria?

Ofer Cohen said:
Start with the second question
In Access if you type a Year up to 29 including it will assume it's 2000 and
a above, any year above 30 up to 99 it will assume 1900 and above.

In that case you have to make sure that the user type a date with 4 digit Year

Second question:
Is the Date field is a Date/Time field type?
In that case you can use the Month function to get the month from the date

Where Month([DateFieldName]) = Month(Date())

Where Month([DateFieldName]) = [Please select a month 1-12]

The user will be prompt with the message Please select a month 1-12

Good Luck

kristin1230christian said:
Hi I am an neebie
I am trying to send out birthday cards from my database by month
but it is seperating by month and year ie. nov 1916, nov 1936
can you tell me how to do this.
Also when I was inputing Birthdays, if I typed 16 (as in 1916) it would put
in 2016 how can I fix this


Woo Hoo, thank you soooooo much, I got it ( I wasnt typing in the field name
I had, I was copying yours :)

Ofer Cohen said:
In the field section you should create a new field and write in it:

FieldMinth: Month([DateFieldName])

In the criteria under the new field:

[please select a month 1-12]

***Note: cheange the DateFieldName to the real date field name
Good Luck

kristin1230christian said:

Do I type ([DateFieldName])= [please select a month 1-12] in the critiria?

Ofer Cohen said:
Start with the second question
In Access if you type a Year up to 29 including it will assume it's 2000 and
a above, any year above 30 up to 99 it will assume 1900 and above.

In that case you have to make sure that the user type a date with 4 digit Year

Second question:
Is the Date field is a Date/Time field type?
In that case you can use the Month function to get the month from the date

Where Month([DateFieldName]) = Month(Date())

Where Month([DateFieldName]) = [Please select a month 1-12]

The user will be prompt with the message Please select a month 1-12

Good Luck


Hi I am an neebie
I am trying to send out birthday cards from my database by month
but it is seperating by month and year ie. nov 1916, nov 1936
can you tell me how to do this.
Also when I was inputing Birthdays, if I typed 16 (as in 1916) it would put
in 2016 how can I fix this

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