Birtday of imported Contacts is not shown in Calendar



If I import my contacts from Access the birthday is correctly shon in the
contact detail, but is not shown in the calendar. If I create a contact
manually, or if I edit the imported contacts'birthday, the birthday shows in
the calendar.
Is there a command to force Outlook to update the calender?

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

If I rememer correctly, you should try editing the contact & saving it. See
if that adds the birthday correctly.


Yes, that works.
I also found in the German Forum a macro that does this for all contacts
MS-Outlook-2000/2 Geburtstage importieren
Feuerwerk auf dem Bildschirm


Bei einem Import von Daten in die Kontakte werden die Geburtstage nicht
automatisch in den Kalender eingetragen. Ein kleiner VBA-Code kann Dir einen
Haufen Tipparbeit ersparen.


Die Schritte im Einzelnen
Damit das funktioniert, musst Du diese Anweisungen im Codefenster der
aktuellen Outlook-Sitzung, oder aber in jedem beliebigen Modul eingeben.


Alt + F11 Visual Basic-Editor starten
Doppelklick im Projekt-Explorer auf den Eintrag DieseOutlookSitzung, wobei
Du gegebenenfalls zuvor die übergeordneten Zweige einblenden musst.
Im Codefenster folgende Programmzeilen eingeben


Sub BirthdayImport()

Dim myFolder As MAPIFolder
Set myFolder = Session.PickFolder
For i = myFolder.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
If myFolder.Items(i).Class = 40 Then
mybirthday = myFolder.Items(i).Birthday
myFolder.Items(i).Birthday = "12.12.2000 "
myFolder.Items(i).Birthday = mybirthday
myFolder.Items(i).Close 0
End If
Next i

End Sub


Visual Basic-Editor beenden
Speichern des VBA-Projekts Ja.

Nun kannst Du im Menü mit Extras Makro Makros die Geburtstage in den
Kalender eintragen.


I also tried this and it didn't work. I am using Vista and Outlook 2007,
don't know if that makes a difference, but I didn't want to start a new topic
for what is essentially the same issue. I had some duplicates, and some
birthdays that were just showing up as recurring appointments rather than
annual events--so I wasn't getting the notifications uniformly on my WM6 Pro
device. So I deleted the recurring appointments, intending to use this fix
for them. It worked for the first two contacts, and now the birthdays don't
show up even after I edit and re-save the contacts.

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