BindingNavigator: does it have a 'Current Item Changed' type of event?

  • Thread starter Marina Levit [MVP]
  • Start date

Marina Levit [MVP]

I need to do something extra every time the position of what is the
'current' item changes. This could be the user clicking one of the buttons,
or typing in a new number

However, there doesn't seem to be an event that just says " the user
selected a different item from the navigator". In fact, it seems I have to
handle the Click event of every toolstrip item that could change the
position. Plus, trap the lost focus event for the textbox that displays the
current number, and probably trap its KeyDown event in case the user enters
the new number and hits Enter.

I can't seem to find an event on the navigator itself that would notify me
of when the position changes. Not even a property that says what the
current item index is - I have to parse out what is in the textbox?

I must be missing something basic, because it seems that the control would
be incomplete without these 2 thigns.

Marina Levit [MVP]

I ended up handling the CurrentItemChanged event of the BindingSource object
for the navigator. Doesn't seem very intuitive though, wouldn't have hurt
to add this to the navigator.

Anyway, mystery solved.

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