BindingList<> notification before delete?


Michel Walsh


A datagrid has its DataSource set to a BindingList<CustomClass>. While the
ListChanged event fires AFTER a deletion, I am looking for a simple way to
be notified BEFORE the item would be effectively deleted (for performing
extra check and cleanup). Is there a simple trick I miss, because I don't
know how to do that, except to maintain TWO lists, and compare them in the
ListChanged event (to detect which item is now missing).

Simplified examples of what I try to get :
- check before deleting if there will be at least one 'admin' left
- free C# ressources of the CustomClass item just to be deleted (as a
cascade delete would have done for database records)


Vanderghast, Access MVP

Marc Gravell

Well, you could always write a generic class that inherits from
BindingList<T>, and override the RemoveItem(int) method to fire a new
event before calling base.RemoveItem() [perhaps with a CancelEventArgs
implementation]. This would allow the subscriber to obtain the item (by
index) prior to the delete.


Michel Walsh


Hoping the datagridview internally calls that method... I'll try it
tomorrow, anyhow, and see what happens.

Vanderghast, Access MVP

Marc Gravell

Actually, I believe it will call the IList.RemoveAt(int) method, which
is in this case gets forwarded to the Collection<T> base-class of
BindingList<T>, so yes: overriding this method should do what you need.

Only one way to find out ;-p


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