Binding Data to Forms, Textboxes etc.


Ed Warren

I'm an 'old hand at Access' trying to convert to Visual Studio .net
I'm at the end of frustration over what is probably a very simple problem.

I want to implement the following User interface.

Display data for all rows from one column from a dataset (Dset1) in a
listview box (ListView1), in a panel (Panel_1) on the left side of the form.
When the user selects a row in listview1, then the rest of the columns are
displayed in a panel (Panel2) to the right in text boxes.
Panel 1:

Textbox1: Row1.Item2
Textbox2: Row1.Item3

Once I get this working I will need to be able to update the recordset with
any changes in the textboxes.

In at least one post I have found:

"A bound form means that you have identified a Row Source for your form.
then bind fields from the Row Source (a table or query) to controls on the
form. This is the most common way to get the field data to display on your
form. Each time you select a new record, the field data is loaded into the
form control it is bound to. "

I would greatly appreciate a 'step by step' discription of how to accomplish
this. Every example I can find uses datagrids, good but not what we need to
(Note: I know data, I am a beginner with Visual Studio, I'm working in
VStudio 2003 so I don't have the 2005 widgets which appear to make this
somewhat easier.)


Ed Warren.

Brendan Reynolds

This is an Access forms newsgroup, Ed. The Windows Forms used in .NET
Windows applications are a very different animal to Access forms. You need
to ask your .NET Windows Forms questions in a more appropriate newsgroup.
Try microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.windowsforms.databinding

BTW: The post you quoted sounds to me like it was not talking about a .NET
Windows Form at all. The terms 'Row Source' and 'Recordset' are not used in
..NET. In .NET you bind forms and controls using the Data Source and Data
Member properties, and you bind to datasets, data tables, arrays or
collections, not recordsets, not unless you're using COM Interop with legacy
'classic' ADO components.

Ed Warren

My sincere apologies for hitting the wrong button for the forum of interest.
I intended to post this to the .net forms newsgroup, and yes I may be mixing
up the terminology, between 'legacy ADO,, DAO, Classic Data Design,
E-R Design, Object Oriented Design, etc. Some of us have suffered through
all the various versions, consistencies, inconsistencies, similararites,
dis-similararties, and just plain muddling of terms between all of these.
As a result, our brains don't fire exactly right all the time.

Not to mention the various versions of "standard SQL" ;>

Please accept my humble apologies.

Ed Warren.

Brendan Reynolds

No apologies necessary, Ed - just hoping to point you toward the most
relevant resources.

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