bind data both ways in a repeater control




I have a Repeater control where in my code-behind I call:
rptrProducts.DataSource = cart.CartItems;

And then in the aspx file I have:
<asp:TextBox ID="txtQuantity" Text='<%# Eval("Quantity") %>' runat="server"
Columns="3" />

Which does a great job of getting the quantity into the text box. Is there a
way to have it also get the value the user enters back into
cart.CartItems[ind].Quantity? I can write code to do that - but having it
happen automatically would be better.

thanks - dave

Cubicle Wars -

Walter Wang [MSFT]


In the whole ASP.NET 2.0 control toolbox, only three controls support
two-way binding -- GridView, FormView, and DetailsView. Two-way data
binding requires additional logic in the control code to invoke proper
methods on the bound data source, which has to be a data source control.

Walter Wang ([email protected], remove 'online.')
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Walter Wang [MSFT]

Putting a Repeater inside a FormView, you will still need to bind the
Repeater to some data source, therefore it's still the Repeater instead of
the FormView that is interacting with the data source.

Walter Wang ([email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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