bin and cue

May 14, 2005
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Hi to all. I have this
"SAHARA.bin 518,754KB BIN FILE" and this
"SAHARA.cue file 1KB"
in my computer and I would just like to play the movie in my computer, Can I do it please?
Thank you.
Unfortunately you cant just view a Bin file on your PC.

The easiest way is to burn the image to a DVD using something like Nero.

Put the Bin and Cue file into the same folder, then open Nero and select 'burn image to disc' - browse to the Cue file, select it and the Bin file will automatically be found and selected for mounting as an image for viewing. Then burn it to a CD. You should be able to view it on your PC at this point, but if you wish you can then copy it from the CD to your PC, and then mount it on a DVD using Nero Recode and you will then be able to watch it on a standalone DVD player as well.

I dont know how other DVD burning suites work, but I assume they use a similar method.
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You could always mount it using a program like Alcahol 120% or Daemon Tools which is free :D.

Daemon Tools

Just install it, once its installed you get a new icon in your task bar (near the time) right click it go to "virtual CD/DVD rom" then choose how many drives you want (1 will do for now). Then you'll notice that drive has a sub option on it to "mount image", click it, then mount the .cue file and it will play.
Read the daemon tools Forums before downloading, great program but there are things to watch out for as I discovered after building my new PC

That advice came from Techy after I brought the problem up in the software support area (Windows Applications)

But am all fixed now :)