Big Question



Okay lets see if I can explain this right the first time.

I have a form already put together that I have been poplulating for almost a
year. I have created the tables and done relationships and such.

Now what I would like to do is on my form I have page 1 thru page 14 that I
was entering in a number.
I would like to double click on ex page 1 and I get what we call an
attendance sheet. I would like to populate this attendance sheet with hours
children were in care 1 for full day 2 for part day. Some providers have 20
children some have 2 children. My first thought was to create a field for
each child (20) and every day of the month (31) to duplicate my excel
attendance form. Then I realized that would make over 620 fields, then I
have over 500 providers and some providers have 2-6 sometimes 14 pages. That
was to much work for me. So back to my question. I would like to double
click on Page1 it open a new form to where I could populate days of
attendance. However, I would also like the Grant number and month to carry
over. Something I have on the current form. Oh my I hope this makes sense.
Then I would like to do the same thing for page 2 double click open form,
populate and it be linked to that provider for that month. I would like to
do this for all 14 pages. Then on top of that, I would like the total of
days in care to show in the field Page 1 and also for all the other pages.
The reason for this is becasue it runs the total number of pages through a
calculation, that is in turn used in a report. Also I have another goal for
this attendance sheet but I will first try to tackel this one. (I would like
the information from the attenance form to then check some boxes that I use
to do manually) any ways 1 goal at a time.

Thank you all for all your help and patience.

Joseph Meehan

Chey said:
Okay lets see if I can explain this right the first time.

I have a form already put together that I have been poplulating for
almost a year. I have created the tables and done relationships and

Now what I would like to do is on my form I have page 1 thru page 14
that I was entering in a number.
I would like to double click on ex page 1 and I get what we call an
attendance sheet.

I think what you want to do is to create a second form call Attendance
sheet and put a button on your original form to call up that form. You can
use filters or even a different data source on the second form. I would add
a back button on the second form, likely just to close it so it will go back
to the first form.

Pat Hartman\(MVP\)

Do you really have a form that is broken into 14 pages or do you have a one
page form that occurs 14 times because you have 14 providers or whatever
the pk is?

To open one form from another, add a button to the form and let the wizard
do the work.

Joseph Meehan

After reading Pat's message I realized I may not have understood what
you meant by 14 pages.

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