Big Bug ??



I am working with a german XP-Home.
I am german so excuse my english.

The bug maybe happen because I am working with a german

Somewhere under the Folder

"Dokumente und Einstellungen/MY_USER_NAME/..."

was a folder of the Antispyware-Program.
In this folder was some "error.txt"-File which was,
only after some weeks of use, nearly 1GB big.

But nevertheless I find the program good.
Maybe there will be a german version without this bug.

Bill Sanderson

Definitely a bug, and one I have seen myself--not limited to your usage on
German XP.

In my case, I uninstalled the beta program, and then later reinstalled it,
and the problem has not happened again.


I am getting "out of memory errors" posted in my error
file in the program folder, many out of memory errors. I
have 512 of memory. I am impressed with the quality of the
program, now if they can get the foot print smaller,

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