
On Mon, 16 May 2005 09:02:06 -0400, digisol wrote:

Of course if someone has the urge to experiment, along with many
others I would be interested to know how long they will last at a
constant 95 deg C.

There is no reason to suspect that the life would be drastically affected.
THis isn't an unusual temperature for such things. Power regulators,
though they aren't CPUs, quite often have a maximum junction temperature
of 175C.
I dare say that even with the HS fan turned off a system may still
survive if the case ventilation was up to scratch (side off) etc but at
around 75 -85 deg C as a rough guess, I have changed fans without
shutting down a system watching the temps, never went past 50 deg C..

Ok. That has nothing to do with your premiss though.
I doubt that any cpu would last more than 5 minutes at 95 deg C and
still survive it.

Frankly, you're nuts. There is no reason to suspect this, and it is
contrary all experience. 95C isn't hot at all.
I have seen an 1800 XP pop, the builder showing me his technical skill
had failed to install to the cpu the HS still sitting on the bench, it
lasted less time than he could reach down and push the start button and
wait the 4 seconds.

....and it got a *LOT* hotter than 95C! Frankly, I doubt you saw this at
all. You sound like you're repeating the nonsense of Tom's from a couple
of years ago.

Remembering that even though the system is shut dowm there would be a
lot of residual heat, so even if you pulled the cord it still may pop.

Umm, once the cord is pulled, the heat decreases. "Residual heat" doesn't
cause temperatures to *increase*. Sheesh!
About 5 - 6 seconds and they explode.



The little lost angel

On 16 May 2005 09:02:06 -0400,
I doubt that any cpu would last more than 5 minutes at 95 deg C and
still survive it.

Me and my friend this experiment before, running an XP (IIRC) without
the fan. It could primed and all, went past 90C and system hang in the
end but the chip was fine and dandy for long after that.

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