Between Workbooks



I have 2 workbooks, each with multiple worksheets. I need the data from
workbook 1, sheet 1, to be automatically transferred to workbook 2, sheet 1
when entered, and so on......

How do I do this?

Thanks in advance.

Richard Neville

With both workbooks open, click on the first cell in the DESTINATION
workbook. Let's say it's B2. Type =, then switch to the SOURCE workbook and
click on its B2, and hit Enter. You have now created a hyperlink between the

Presumably, you have many more cells for which you want to create similar
links. Let's say the range of those cells is B2:F20. In B2 of the
destination workbook, you will now see a reference to the other workbook,
but it's an ABSOLUTE reference from which you must delete the dollar signs
($). This changes it to a relative reference. You can now drag right and
down, or down and right, until you have covered the entire range.

Alternative method: click on B2, then shift-click on F2, and issue the fill
right command (Ctrl+R). Then click on B2 and shift click on F20 and issue
the command fill down (Ctrl+D).



I feel your pain. I need the exact same thing.

Please somebody help :)



Thank you so much. In the destination workbook, is there anyway to have it
set up as a function.

Example: I need to have the average of c6, d6, e6, h6, i6, j6, and k6 in
the destination workbook cell b6. Can this be done?


In B6 in the destination sheet you could enter Average(C6:K6) and you would
get the average from the cells in the source sheet. Similarly, you could
calculate the average in the source sheet cell B6 and link it to the
destination sheet as described by Richard Neville. But, I don't think you
can both calculate the average in cell B6 in the destination sheet and have
the cell linked to raw data in the source sheet, unless you perform a
calculation, such as adding the source sheet cell B6 to the destination sheet
average calculation in cell B6.

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