Between Dates parameter query


Dustin Swartz

This seems like it should be simple yet I can't get it to work.

I want to run the following query based upon a user selected date range
(OsObj.Datum) being the date record.

PARAMETERS [Begin Date] DateTime, [End Date] DateTime;
SELECT OsObj.Datum, OsPos.PosNr, OsPos.Bez, Min(OsPos.SumMat) AS
MinOfSumMat, OsObj.Bez, Count(OsObj.Bez) AS [Count of Jobs]
FROM OsObj INNER JOIN OsPos ON OsObj.ObjNr = OsPos.ObjNr
GROUP BY OsObj.Datum, OsPos.PosNr, OsPos.Bez, OsObj.Bez
HAVING (((OsObj.Datum) Between "Begin Date" And "End Date"));

Am I way off base?

Allen Browne

Use square brackets around the parameter names, not quotes:
HAVING OsObj.Datum Between [Begin Date] And [End Date]

It may be more efficient to use a WHERE clause than a HAVING clause.

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