Better way to find column heading value?


Al Biglan

I have a worksheet laid out sort of like a schedule...
Col A = Task Name
Col B = Last Date
Cols C:BB = Weeks of the year (52 of 'em)
Row 1 of Cols C:BB have the Monday Date for the week (e.g.
Jan 6,2003)

For a Task, I fill in an X for each week where work is
done on the task. I want a formula in Col B that finds
the last X in the row (the X's may not be contiguous and
if the cell isn't an X it's blank) then spits out the
corresponding date in the header.

Right now I have :
as an array formula

Is there a better way to do this? Using Indirect(Address
()) seems like I'm missing a better lookup mechanism...


Harlan Grove

... the following works equally well...


It would if you have no cells evaluating to strings beginning with CHAR(255).
The REPT(.) term is the guaranteed 'last' text value. CHAR(.) alone will usually
work, but REPT(.) is *guaranteed* to work.

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