Best way to create reports summarizing data?


Red Five

I am trying to create a way of generating several reports from
spreadsheet of data for a baseball team. Basically, I have
spreadsheet which logs every appearance by each pitcher during
season, including which inning each entered and what the score was a
the time. I need to create reports which summarize this information.
For example, I want a report which states how many times each pitche
entered in each inning, when the score was at certain numbers apart.
I'm looking for a table like this:

7th Inning
Within 1 Run Tied More than
Nomo 0 1 0
Mota 3 7
Gagne 5 10 4
Brown 3 4 6

8th Inning
Within 1 Run Tied More than
Nomo 0 1 0
Mota 1 2
Gagne 6 5 3
Brown 0 1 0

I also need to generaqte othe reports from the same data, such as ho
often certain players replaced other players (which can be calculate
by certain cells following each other on the sheet).

I've tried looking into pivot tables, but am not convinced it can d
what I need it to do. I've also been able to do it by writing lon
nested IF formulas, but that seems needlessly complicated. Doe
anybody have other ideas? Can a pivot table really accomplish what
need it to

Anne Troy

I'm not sure exactly, Red, but you'll want to also check out
Data-Filter-Autofilter, Data-Subtotals, and Data-Group and Outline features.

Hope this helps!
Anne Troy (better known as Dreamboat)
Author: Dreamboat on Word
Email: Dreamboat*at*

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