Best time question



I've tried to search for MIN with multiple criteria, but had difficultly
applying the examples

I record running times, and I want to get the best time for a given day. So
column A has the date, and column B has the number of seconds. Column C
should show the day's best time (so it would be repeated for each row where
the date is the same).

For example, A2:A10 all have today's date. B2:B10 have times in seconds.
If B5 is the fastest time, the time in B5 would display in C2:C10.
Cells A11:A23 have yesterday's date - etc - I need the C2 formula to copy

Thanks in advance


Frank Kabel

in C2 enter the following array formula (entered with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER)
and copy down

Dave R.

Luckily you are OK with C2:C10 ALL containing the best time for a date. If
you only wanted it to appear once it would be trickier.


entered with control-shift-enter.

Note that b2:b10 must contain times, if it is just text like ":30" you
should use something like;


also entered with ctrl-shift-enter.

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