Beginner's ASP.NET problem...



Hi All - I am an experienced ASP programmer but am a novice (that's being
generous) at ASP.NET. Anyhow, I am trying to learn it but am already running
into snags. I am trying to execute some simple sample code in a text file
called 'Test.aspx' but when I run the code it doesn't seem like the code is
getting processed by my IIS. I know my IIS is running because when I do
simple asp code like <%response.write "Test"%> the server processes that into

Can someone offer any ideas? Below is the code I am trying to run. Only
the embedded html displays on the page and when I view source, the source
code is exactly the same as what's printed below.

<%@ Page Language="VB"%>

<script runat="server">
Sub tbMessage_Change(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
lblMessage.Text = "Hello " + tbMessage.Text
End Sub

<font size="5"> Sam's Teach Yourself ASP.NET in 21 Days:
<% Response.Write("Our First Page<p>") %>

<form runat="server">
Please enter your name:
<asp:textbox id="tbMessage"
<asp:button id="btSubmit" Text="Submit"
<asp:lable id="lblMessage" font-size="20pt"

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