Beginner- 2 Forms & Events



I am a pure beginner and reading 3 books at the same time trying to learn

I have created 2 forms in my "Solution"
No where can I see in any of the books how you load / call one form from the

So how do you:

A) Load 1 form from the other.
Example: I have frmForm1 and frmForm2

B) Load frmForm2 after I call the "close / end" command from frmForm1

C) And how do i access / all the Events of a Form?
Just like the properties tab - so I can see all the properties a form has /
or any other object like a text box. How do I / or can see
all the Events for a form?
So far all I know how to access is the "onLoad" because I can double click
on a form.

Im sure there will be more questions but I just cant seem to figure these

Thank you for your help.



hi, great to see a beginner here. calling one form from another is very simple

Dim frm as new frmForm2

then to show the form, you simply write:


that it! very simple.

to access the other forms events, go to your code window and look at the
top. youl see two menus right above the code window. click these dropdown
menus and find whichever control you want, on the left, then pick which event
you want, on the right.

hope this helps


Thank you very much.
I was going crazy. The books talk about
Dim frm as New form() and stuff like that but not how to show another form.

Thank you very much agian.

I will post a question about the events as a new Post.

I hope i can get good enough in vb to return the answers to vb net one day.


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