beep when opening new IE window


Dave S.

I'm running IE6 SP1 on WinXP Pro SP1, and have a weird
problem associated with Norton System Works Pro 2004.
When Norton Passord Manager is running, IE beeps when I
open a window. It happens when I open an original window
(homepage set to about:blank), when a link's target is
set to new window, when I right click to open a link in a
new window, or when popups appear. In short, any time a
window is drawn regardless of its contents.

The beep is the sound associated with the "Default Beep"
sounds event. That's the only sound event associated
with the .wav I'm hearing, and disbaling this sound event
makes the problem disappear. But, it also kills default
beeps for all applications, and I don't want to do that
because the can be useful.

It also doesn't happen every time a new window is opened,
but more like once in every two times. It only happens
when NPM is running. Norton tech support seems to think
it's a Windows/IE problem (no surprise there.)
Interestingly, running the System File Checker and
restoring original files helped the problem temporarily,
but the beeping came back after a day without making any

I reformatted my PC a week ago, and upgraded to Norton
2004 at the same time. So everything is fresh on my
system. And that's when the problem started. I believe
it's a NPM bug, but Norton's suggested troubleshooting
hasn't got me anywhere. They're now suggesting I
reformat my system, but I'm not going to since it's a
fresh install of everythin. They want to blame it on IE
(even though their program is the only constant in this

There must be something in the sequnce of events that
occurs when an IE window is opened that is triggering
this event but I can't seem to find what it is. Any
suggestions would be appreciated.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Dave S. said:
I'm running IE6 SP1 on WinXP Pro SP1, and have a weird
problem associated with Norton System Works Pro 2004.
When Norton Passord Manager is running, IE beeps when I
open a window. It happens when I open an original window
(homepage set to about:blank), when a link's target is
set to new window, when I right click to open a link in a
new window, or when popups appear. In short, any time a
window is drawn regardless of its contents.

The beep is the sound associated with the "Default Beep"
sounds event. That's the only sound event associated
with the .wav I'm hearing, and disbaling this sound event
makes the problem disappear. But, it also kills default
beeps for all applications, and I don't want to do that
because the can be useful.

It also doesn't happen every time a new window is opened,
but more like once in every two times. It only happens
when NPM is running. Norton tech support seems to think
it's a Windows/IE problem (no surprise there.)
Interestingly, running the System File Checker and
restoring original files helped the problem temporarily,
but the beeping came back after a day without making any

I reformatted my PC a week ago, and upgraded to Norton
2004 at the same time. So everything is fresh on my
system. And that's when the problem started. I believe
it's a NPM bug, but Norton's suggested troubleshooting
hasn't got me anywhere. They're now suggesting I
reformat my system, but I'm not going to since it's a
fresh install of everythin. They want to blame it on IE
(even though their program is the only constant in this

There must be something in the sequnce of events that
occurs when an IE window is opened that is triggering
this event but I can't seem to find what it is. Any
suggestions would be appreciated.

Control Panel | Sounds
Scroll down to Windows Explorer and set Start Navigation to None.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE
Reply to Newsgroup. I won't answer email
Protect Your PC


I guess I didn't make it clear enough, but i've already thoroughly
examined the sounds control panel. Notice where I said

The "Start Navigation" sound has nothing to do with it, since it's not
even the same sound I'm hearing. Start Navigation is set to the
standard "click," while the sound I'm hearing is the "ding" associated
with "Default Beep." I already said I could kill the sound by
disabling Default Beep....but that's a band-aid solution, and it
adversely affects other programs which rely on that sound. I want to
cure the problem, not the symptom.

And anyway, a control panel setting doesn't explain why the sound ONLY
occurs when Norton Password Manager is running. There are no sound
events related to Norton (unlike previous versions of SystemWorks).


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