BCM .oft file wrong version



On starting Outlook I get a message: "Your .oft file for message class
IPM.Contact.BCM.Contact has a wrong version. Requested version 2.00.3516.00,
..oft form version 1.00.1616.00"

This sympton appeared after I re-installed BCM following its disappearance!
Outlook itself seems to be fully functional, but there's no Business Tools
menu. The BCM folders are present in the folder list, however.Help\About
says there are no disabled items.

Any help gratefully received.



Hi Bob,

What version of Windows are you using BCM on?
Did you ever have the Version 2 Beta installed on this machine (I saw this
error once during the Beta)
What happens if you uninstall BCM and uninstall .NET Framework and then
reinstall BCM?


Larry, [MSFT]

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I'm having the same issue. Not sure what started it, but I have uninstalled
BCM and Office to try and get this working again. I'm not finding any KB
articles on this issue.

Any suggestions?


This is working again. Please see the thread "BCM2.0 and .oft file issue" to
see how the issue was resolved.

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