Batch files



How do you create a batch file to run a command line in the command prompt. I use the command "shutdown -t 7200" to shut down my PC in 2 hours. I want create a batch file that i can click to run this command.
Remember that i am not too familar with the command line and batch file for this.
Basically i want to click on a file that shuts my computer down after 2 hours of being click from the tools that came with XP


Yomek -

At your Library pick up a copy of "DOS for Dummies" or
some similar title. It's very interesting, and the way
we had to do a lot of things only 10 years ago. It still
works with WinXP though... except there's not much need
for it anymore. But your idea should work OK.
You can also plug "dos batch file" into Google and get a
bunch of good leads.
-----Original Message-----
How do you create a batch file to run a command line in
the command prompt. I use the command "shutdown -t 7200" to
shut down my PC in 2 hours. I want create a batch file that
i can click to run this command.
Remember that i am not too familar with the command line and batch file for this.
Basically i want to click on a file that shuts my computer
down after 2 hours of being click from the tools that came
with XP


Never had a 'puter freeze in DOS, never EVER!
In another 10 years, that might be true in Windows.
But I doubt it.
Bill & Steve


On that I'm in 100% agreement. Plus it was always a lot of fun programming
batch files to do things they weren't originally designed to do :)
Occasionally, not often, but occasionally I miss the DOS days.
Far too many people now-a-days that don't even know what a "C Prompt" is

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