Batch convert macosx 2004 office to office 97



I need to transfer years of primarily word documents from MACOSX Office 2004
to Vista Office 2007. I can do them one at a time but that is too cumbersome.




I'm not sure what you're asking - the Subject of your post says Office 2004
to Office 97, but the message says Office 2004 to Office 2007. Either way,
however, no "conversion" is necessary. Office 97 - 2004 (*all* Mac & Windows
versions) use the same file format which 2007 can both read and write to.

The main consideration is that if you open a prior version file (.doc) in
2007 and use any features specific to that version to make changes you'll
need to save the file as a .docx, but it isn't a matter of just changing the
file format - the word "convert" is a little misused & misleading.

A new file in .docx format is created, separate from the original .doc and
although the process can be automated I'm not sure it's a good idea. The
conversion can cause layout & formatting modifications in some files which
eventually have to be dealt with on a one-to-one basis anyway. If you just
do a wholesale conversion of numerous files you have no way of knowing which
ones may be adversely modified until you actually open/print the file...
which may be an unpleasant surprise if it occurs late in the game:)

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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