.bat files


Bill XP

I'm trying to run a .bat file as a scheduled task in XP
Pro. Task Scheduler indicates the file has run but I can
tell it has not actually executed the lines/commands in
the file. As a test I heve set the schedule to begin in a
minute and then watched to make sure it starts and it
appears to, but it doesn't really run the commands. It's
a backup routine I came up with a few years ago which
basically has several lines such as these:

xcopy d:\_clients00_04\*.* c:\ZBACKUP\ZBACKUP1\ /s/y
xcopy d:\wfx32\client\*.* c:\ZBACKUP\ZBACKUP2\ /s/y

The file runs exactly as planned when I run it from
windows explorer (i.e. double clicking on the .bat
file). Why would it not run the same in task scheduler?

Thorsten Matzner

Bill XP said:
I'm trying to run a .bat file as a scheduled task in XP
Pro. Task Scheduler indicates the file has run but I can
tell it has not actually executed the lines/commands in
the file. As a test I heve set the schedule to begin in a
minute and then watched to make sure it starts and it
appears to, but it doesn't really run the commands. It's
a backup routine I came up with a few years ago which
basically has several lines such as these:

xcopy d:\_clients00_04\*.* c:\ZBACKUP\ZBACKUP1\ /s/y
xcopy d:\wfx32\client\*.* c:\ZBACKUP\ZBACKUP2\ /s/y

The file runs exactly as planned when I run it from
windows explorer (i.e. double clicking on the .bat
file). Why would it not run the same in task scheduler?

Try the XCOPY replacement XXCopy (http://www.xxcopy.com). Batches with
that tool work well here while I had similiar problems with XCOPY in a
Scheduled Task.


bat files works fine with command lines in it. but in order to execute any command throught bat extension file u need to give full patch of that command like c:\windows\system32\xcopy . D:\mark

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