Based on one field, drop down menu limits choices.



I need to have in a form a drop down menu that limits the choices to select
based on previously entered data word. For example:

In the first field I enter the keyword: Scope
Then based on the word Scope, the dropdown menu next to it gives me for
example 5 choices of Scopes. If I entered a different keyword, the choices
would change.

Thanks in advance for any help offered..


How you do this will depend on what happens when you change words in the text
box. If all the words used in the text box are different possible values in
a feild in the combo's rowsource, then it fairly straight forward. You would
just need to have a query that filters on the text box as the combo's
rowsource and requery the combo in the After Update event of the text box.

If, on the other hand, a different word in the text box would mean you need
to search a different table, then you would need to create a query for each
possibililty or create SQL in VBA and change the combo's row source property.


Thank you for the explanations. Your first solution is the one I need to
implement. The problem is that I'm not an expert. Could you please provide
more detail as to how I would implement your solution? Thanks... Joe....

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